International Networks and Platforms

Organización Universitaria Interamericana OUI-IOHE
To be a reference as an inter-American leader and a strategic ally of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), with the aim of consolidating their role as a driving force for social change and to overcome social inequalities, while promoting knowledge and learning society.

Institute for University Management and Leadership
The Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) is an Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE) program founded in 1983 that has trained and continues to train hundreds of executives in the Americas. Through the implementation of a portfolio of products and services, the IGLU directly responds to the needs of IOHE members by through the training, updating, improvement and strengthening of their management teams.

Asociación colombiana de Universidades, ASCUN
To promote values such as academic quality, autonomy and social responsibility on which the university is based; propitiate the interaction and integration among the academic community; and represent and serve as partner to the Colombian university.

Conférence des présidents d’université/ University’s Presidents Conference
Gathers directives of universities, polytechnic national institutes, upper normal schools and large educational establishments, as well as investigation centers and higher level education (PRES, for its initials in French).

It’s a global university network and NGOs operating in Latin America, Caribbean and Europe, as a nonprofit organization.

UNESCO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
This office, settled in Chile, and other 11 more serve the region, assisting Governments on the implementation of public policies and supporting civil society to participate defining educational topic.

UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, IESALC
It’s an UNESCO organism, dedicated to promote higher education that contributes to implement at the Latin America and the Caribbean region the biennial program approved on the UNESCO’s General Conference about higher education topics.